Executive coaching continues to grow in popularity in recent years, and companies are increasingly starting to employ coaches for their executive leaders. Here are some of the key benefits of executive coaching for newly appointed leaders:
Cognitive Enhancement
The primary “tool” that a leader can utilize to accomplish work through and with others is the brain. A master car mechanic must understand how an engine works in the same way that a leader must understand how a brain works. Understanding how the brain work is critical for any leader, especially a new leader.
This may seem overwhelming, but don’t worry, you don’t need to be a brain surgeon. Here’s why… the amount of information available on our brains has exploded in recent years. Work can become stressful very quickly for anyone who is just starting a new position as there is an overwhelming amount of new information to learn, typically in a short amount of time. On top of that, new leaders are expected to perform well in their main responsibilities, help new team members grow all the while adjust to the cultural norms of the organization.
Combined, these factors put great pressure on the new leader, making them feel obligated to perform well. This is where executive coaching can prove immensely valuable. An executive coach can help a new leader understand how their brain works (including the role of the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system) and how to boost the powers of cognition to more effectively lead themselves and their teams. An executive coach can also a leader see things from a different perspective. They’ll learn understand their minds better and to see the role of various factors such as automatic proclivities and unconscious bias. This way, one can see things in a more objective way, making it more effective for the person to work as efficiently as they can.
Better Productivity
Executive coaching can help new leaders to reach their full potential with incredible productivity. Effective executive coaching can help a person add value to the company twice as quickly.
Learn to Be More Aware
Those who have been coached by an executive coach are found to be more self-aware. This means that they are better at foreseeing whether solutions will work and they are more likely to spot any potential limitations. If a person is self-aware, they are able to portray themselves in a good light on their first day of work, making a great first impression. Also, coaching allows new leaders to be more adaptive in how they face a problem and how they choose to solve it.
Learn the Hard Truth
Having an executive coach by your side to constantly give feedback on your performance is very beneficial for self-improvement. It may be just what you need to hear… the hard truth that no one has had the courage to say to you as of yet. During the coaching period, new leaders will have time to process and reflect on how to improve themselves in a safe space. In a way, it serves as a preparation period prior to the start of a new role that may prove to be rather stressful.
Learn to Develop Necessary Skills In a Short Amount of Time
Sometimes, we don’t have the luxury of time to learn and develop as we grow. Executive coaching can boil years of learning down to only a few months, weeks or even hours. This is perfect for leaders of small to medium-size companies or even start-ups as they deal with their growing businesses. Executive coaching can help them prepare for the hard work that is to come.
They Can Talk It Through
Executive coaching offers a supportive environment for an individual to work through some issues that they might encounter in their new positions. Coaches will also provide appropriate encouragement and help them to grow the confidence that they need. As a result, they won’t feel as if they are going through the transition alone.
Mentioned above are the benefits of executive coaching that have been found to be true for many CEOs, business owners, and numerous others. However, it is imperative to note that even the most incredible coach can’t help someone who doesn’t want to learn and grow. Remember: Coaching is only coaching if it’s asked for!
NOTE: Select Wisely
The quality in the executive coaching world varies widely so it’s important to find the right one. This is especially true for a new leader since the executive coach has the potential to significantly alter the trajectory of a new leader. A great executive coach can help a new leader soar and, well, a poor executive coach can cause significant harm.
If you need any advice on how to improve your leadership skills, Phoenix Perform is your best bet. Our staff can help you to become the best version of yourself, and we can help you realize your full potential. Contact us today for more information.

Core Idea:
The world needs more great leaders, and because of this, executive coaching continues to grow in popularity in recent years, and companies. This article shows the benefits of executive coaching for business leaders.
Key take away:
Even the most incredible coach can’t help someone who doesn’t want to learn and grow. Coaching is only coaching if it’s asked for!
About the author(s):
Tom Willis is a Co-Founder and Partner with Phoenix Performance Partners. He had the great honor of serving as CEO for Cornerstone; a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers; and an engineer with the Intel Corporation. His life is all about helping others uncover their talents so they can reach their unlimited potential and their organization can thrive.
| Linkedin: Tom
Brad Zimmerman is a Co-Founder and Partner with Phoenix Performance Partners. Zimmerman turned to organizational coaching more than 26 years ago following a successful career in sales and operations. Today, he helps businesses, nonprofits and other organizations develop cultures that transform work environments so people grow and the organizations thrive.
| Linkedin: Brad