In today’s world, it’s important that we learn to be leaders. The world needs more people with good ideas who are willing to take the initiative to make things better, and it’s a skill that not many people have. Although leadership skills may come innately to some, it’s a teachable trait. One can be trained to become a good leader. In fact, you can even teach yourself to be a good leader with the right approach and mindset! This is what we’ll be talking about in this article.
Here are six tips on how to make yourself a better leader:
Have a desire to be better
The very first thing that you need to become a good leader is the desire to be better and to improve the things and the people around you. Without a team to surround them, a leader is not a leader at all. Therefore, a leader also has the desire to bring people together and to take them in the direction of success. Remember - the desire to be better will drive you to improve yourself, and that is the key to every successful leader.
Assess yourself
You have to keep track of what you can do to make yourself a better person and develop it from the ground up. By keeping a journal about your thoughts, ideas, and other things drawn from your self-assessment, you will know exactly what you need to work on. This is the key to self-improvement. A good leader is someone who is willing to break their comfort zone and be better every day. That’s what you need to be willing to do daily if you want to be a leader.
Have an open mind and be willing to learn
Another important trait of a good leader is someone who is willing to learn. To be able to learn, you need to have an open mind. Instead of being offended by criticism, you need to take it as it is and use it as feedback to strengthen your weak points, determined to do better next time.
Don’t just blindly copy someone else
When you learn about something that has the potential to be integrated into your leadership model, the next thing to do is to think about how it can be translated into the way you do things. Don’t just copy your entire leadership model from someone else, as there are leadership different needs for every situation. The best leadership style is one that fits your personality as well as the role that you’ve been assigned to.
Be adaptive and apply your knowledge to solve a problem
Before you sign up for a leadership coaching program, you should know that it’s not going to be an easy path. You will have to step out of your comfort zone a lot and you should be eager to do so. In fact, the key to success is to do something that challenges you and makes you uncomfortable. This means that you’re working toward something new and making constant progress in the direction of your goals.
Give yourself a break from time to time
Another important aspect of being a good leader is knowing when to take the load off of yourself from time to time. The more work and pressure you put on yourself, the more likely you are to do something that you don’t want to do. You need to learn to delegate and give yourself a break so that you don’t get too stressed out.
If you need any advice on how to improve your leadership skills, Phoenix Perform is your best bet. Our staff can help you to become the best version of yourself, and we can help you realize your full potential. Contact us today for more information.

Core Idea:
The world needs more people with good ideas who are willing to take the initiative to make things better, and it’s a skill that not many people have. One can be trained to become a good leader. In fact, you can even teach yourself to be a good leader with the right approach and mindset!
Key take away:
Leadership is a teachable trait! Anyone can learn with the right teaching and mindset.
About the author(s):
Tom Willis is a Co-Founder and Partner with Phoenix Performance Partners. He had the great honor of serving as CEO for Cornerstone; a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers; and an engineer with the Intel Corporation. His life is all about helping others uncover their talents so they can reach their unlimited potential and their organization can thrive.
| Linkedin: Tom
Brad Zimmerman is a Co-Founder and Partner with Phoenix Performance Partners. Zimmerman turned to organizational coaching more than 26 years ago following a successful career in sales and operations. Today, he helps businesses, nonprofits and other organizations develop cultures that transform work environments so people grow and the organizations thrive.
| Linkedin: Brad