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Interchange - March 2024

I hope this finds all of you enjoying your day. The subject of next week’s Interchange session will be Chapter 3 of our book:  Emotions: Servant or Master?


I have attached a digital copy of the chapter in case you don’t have your copy handy. It is a quick read but lots to think about and talk thru.   


Here are some of the questions you will be exploring:


  1. Where/when/with whom do you see the vicious cycle of fear showing up? How do displace it?

  2. Where/when/with whom do you see the virtuous cycle of love showing up? How do you foster it?

  3. When the personal and cultural attributes that arise from fear (pages 58 & 59) show up in yourself or others, how might you address it?


These questions are just thought starters…I’m sure you all will generate lots of insights. Tom and or Kevin will be leading the next two sessions, I am following Mike Rambarose’s example and taking a sabbatical. I leave for Florida tomorrow and will return on April 4. I look forward to being renewed, and reenergized!


The Interchange Retreat in Nashville was such a huge hit that we have reserved a date and a space for it again this year. It will be in Nashville again on October 15 thru 17. If you want more information go to You can also register and reserve a spot online or just let us know by email.


We are launching a new Interchange cohort! It will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 1 pm until 4 pm starting on September 10. Much more convenient for those on the West coast…or non-morning people! Who do you know that would benefit from joining the Interchange? We would appreciate an introduction.


Lastly; if you have enjoyed “The Great Engagement”, it would be a huge favor to us if you would go to Amazon and leave a review. Reviews help to drive sales, and we want to get it into as many hands as possible!


I look forward to hearing from you when I return. Have a great month.

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