Interchange - November 2023
One of the subjects that many of you have asked to talk about is that of Supportive Accountability. How do we use accountability not as a hammer but as a way of supporting people's success?
Here's a link to an article that we wrote on the subject. It's only a page long but it's packed with ideas so make sure you take 10 minutes to read it before we meet. https://www.phoenixperform.com/single-post/2017/05/19/supportive-accountability
Here are some question for us to explore together:
What practices or habits do you follow or could you follow, personally to better employ supportive accountability?
How do you or might you help the people in your organization use supportive accountability as a daily practice?
What is the difference between delegating to people and empowering people?
How can you incorporate supportive accountability in your performance management system?